
Wasn’t gonna make a post about this but here we go ….

First of all , I’d like to point out the fact that you say we are ”harassing you” and being ”aggressive” yet the things YOUR friends have been pming my friends are a bunch of racial insults as well as disrespect shown mentioning family members. Most importantly how you have used the F slur on two occasions on your site , and have acted like it’s completely normal to do so when it’s clearly not. I suggest you educate yourself on the matter , I don’t know how dumb you’d have to be to consider it an acceptable joke , but seeing you and the way you handle things just proves to me how much stupidity and dog shit your brain has. I don’t condone any kind of disgusting behaviour like the one you and your friends are displaying so I won’t hesitate to call you out in public for it since I also know you love the attention. And don’t even try saying they aren’t your friends cuz I have screenshots of them in your gang ( wuv and silvestri mafioso ).

As for the ifile site , you can deny it all you want, keep shit talking us and gaslighting people into thinking you’re innocent, when you know what you did. We have no reason to lie about your IP matching the account promoting the site , we wouldn’t have exposed you or made any further investigations if we didn’t have that piece of information. Just because we aren’t allowed to disclose screenshots doesn’t mean you get to immediately assume it isn’t possible when it 100% is. How you say the other information we presented is dog crap LMAO that evidence just backs up the fact even more. The other comparisons were gathered after we got double confirmation that it was in fact you who created the site. Looks to me that you went on google and looked up a bunch of big vocab words for big kids to make yourself sound smart on your recent 95 page essay post. ( which you clearly are not ) good try tho

if any of you reading this are part of the gfx community and still support this pathetic excuse for a human being, thats just extremely disappointing.

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Hoping you can reflect and re-think the fact that you’re friends with racists and continue to support them knowing the kind of people they are. Also you can start educating yourself on words that aren’t meant to be thrown around with no care at all , that kind of vocabulary can deeply affect people so learn some basic fucking decency and get rid of that embarrassing behaviour.

25 thoughts on “rae

  1. Pingback: Goblin
  2. Reblogged this on caramelandbeargfx and commented:
    Racial and homophobic slurs shouldn’t be used WHATSOEVER regardless of who you are. And supporting and being friends with those type of people who use and say those things so regularly just shows that you’re okay with it or disregard the fact that they say it. Considering the fact that both of those PMs sent to my friend were speaking about her ‘asian eyes,’ it’s quite obvious you had sent them to hate message her after being exposed that you own the recent ifile site; which is completely unacceptable.

  3. Hey rae, do u think it’s fun to use say “fgts” that sounds like u making fun of gay/lesbian people as a joke? Well, yk it’s disrespect not funny. Also We’ll never support u bc you have NO RIGHT. Goodluck with solving this huge problem so pathetic 🤧🤧

  4. LMAOOO yea ima say mik so fuqing dumb for randomly pming that issue to me, I already said her that its more rude if you call someone a fgt if you DONT KNOW that person, dont u even know what BANTER means? Yall bunch of sensitive lil karen girls or group of lil karens winkwonk keep ‘red herring’😝 mik and rice can smd

    1. I don’t know which is more embarrassing, the fact that you still continue to use the slur with no remorse or that you don’t educate yourself on why it is offensive and take accountability for your multiple mistakes

    2. NORMALIZE trying to sound like you’re not being racist when you clearly are?? For a matter of fact, if you’re going to try rotating the conversation and involve your racist friends and shit wouldn’t even help you. You can NOT use the F slur. That’s how it is. ‘Sensitive lil karens’ What in the world is that? A 12 yo insult? You’re literally being racist? Learn to accept the fact AND apologize for it. If you are mature then act like it.

    3. And if you have a problem with me enough to ifile nearly ALL of my heads and many of them were so old, honestly just tell me straight up and to my face instead of having your racist friends come harass me and my friends. And I didn’t even have anything against you before so I’d really like to know why you’re upset enough to create a whole ass website

  5. Bear shut yo ching chong looking ass up u ugly ass bitch mf u look like u born in a house fire stinky ass hoe keep crying like a little bitch

    1. Man, no need to bring race into this. I mean just apologize for saying a slur, making an ifiled site and just apologize and that you’ve learned your lesson. No need to be up here bringing racist comments, cuz that’s just very rude. 👍🏼 Yea you may get hate for whatever happened but sometimes you gotta do your own thing.

  6. To everyone who is mad bc rae said fgt bruh shut ur retarded ass up u kids mad bc of a word u kids are probably the same lonely blue haired lesbian girls that aint no one likes and who gives a fuck about gays and lesbains aint no one care abt thos fatherless fgts

  7. Honestly the game now a days is full of kids. And they’re not ready to accept their wrong doings. This makes me sick. Do apologize for what you’ve done wrong. Being racist is not funny. Using racial slurs is not a joke. Specially for the people you are targetting.

  8. Pingback: . – Ferrari 🐝
  9. Reblogged this on Lily’s Mall and commented:
    not supportive of anyone openly using the f slur or someone who’s just okay with having non-asian friends who use slurs and make racial comments. rae, ur saying u just ALLOW ur friends to call u slurs and pin racial stereotypes on u?? those aren’t ur friends. even if u weren’t guilty, not gonna support the fact that even though ur told not to use the f slur u still continue to say it and try to JUSTIFY u saying it. get ur head out of ur ass and step up. weak in the knees fr.

  10. I’m so sorry you guys have to deal with people like this. This is so unacceptable considering what generation we are in. Come on kids, grow up already. We have evolved past the homophobic and racial slurs, so why are you still using them? 😞

  11. Reblogged this on LalaGFX and commented:
    Mrs. Rae here is giving me second-hand embarrassment and it shows, this entire situation is just proof that Graal games could’ve been so much better, it’s understandable that it takes a lot of work and effort to maintain a good community among the games however this was a total miss IMO. The GFX community has suffered a lot of damage and it becomes unbearable at some points.

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